
05 December 2012

HO, HO, HO, Yummy Christmas!

(I would like to thank my cousins family and my mother for sharing this idea with me.)

Ice Cream Cone Ornaments 

Items Needed: 
Ice Cream Cones
Great Stuff Expanding Foam
Mod Podge
Large Ornament Hooks

Joy Ice Cream Cups, Great Stuff, Mod Podge, 12 pack glitter
Joy Ice Cream Cups - Great Stuff Expanding Foam - Mod Podge - Glitter

Spray the foam into the cone.  Keep in mind, IT WILL EXPAND! While wet insert an ornament hook.  Let sit 12hrs.  Use a paint brush to apply Mod Podge. Then sprinkle with glitter.


  1. Replies
    1. I was worried a bit at first but they turned out great.

  2. These are super cute! I lvoe anything with glitter ;) I pinned them all up!! Merry Christmas.

  3. Hey those are great MAYBE i should do that.....LOL
