
25 January 2013

Be Mine!

Valentine Holder Craft

I haven't posted in a few days because my whole family is sick with the flu.  I haven't had time to make a post or work on any projects.  I managed to find time to try a few crafts yesterday.  One was a fail and one turned out great.

My son needs a Valentine Holder for his class party.  I didn't want to spend any money (I can't really go to the store right now) so I used things I already had.

Paper Doile, 2 Sheets of Paper, Mod Podge, Empty Formula Can
Paper Doile, 2 Sheets of Paper, Mod Podge, Empty Formula Can
I removed the label from the can and cut the paper to size.  Then I brushed Mod Podge onto the can and applied the paper.

formula can, mod podge

I brushed Mod Podge on the outside of the paper and applied the paper doilie.  For the final step I brushed Mod Podge onto the outside of the doile.  Adding Mod Podge to the outside of the paper creates a protective layer.

formula can, mod podge, heart doile

 When It was dry I added his name and cut a hole in the lid.

Valentine Holder, Formula Can, Mod Podge, Paper Doile

What other uses have you found for formula cans?

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