
15 May 2013

Framed Art Display

Quick announcement!  Callie's Crafts made it into the top 20 at One Artsy Momma's, One Crafty Contest.  Each week a new challenge will be presented.  Head over to One Artsy Momma and follow along with the contest.  Be sure to vote each week for your favorite!  Now, I'm off to brainstorm and do some painting!

I've completed another project in my daughter's room.  I made a place for Paige to display her art work.  By using things I already had I was able to do this project for about $3.  I purchased the butterfly clips and the ribbon.  I collected 3 large picture frames.  I  found one on the curb and got 2 from my mom.  I used fabric (old curtains) and covered cardboard to create the backing.  Keep reading to see the tutorial.

I painted the frames with DIY Chalk Paint in her wall color, Faded Hydrangea by Better Homes and Gardens.

How to Make Chalk Paint:

2 cups paint
5 TBS of Plaster of Paris
2 TBS of water

I used a baby formula can to mix and store the paint.  It worked great!
infant formula container stores chalk paint

 I reused cardboard and cut it to fit the size of the frame.  Using a staple gun I then covered it with quilt batting and fabric. 

 Fold the sides back and staple along all four sides.  To do the corners fold the center back first.

 Then staple one side.......

and the other.........

Then place the cardboard inside the frame.  I secured them using the staples that were already there.  Some other options are to use a framing point gun,  push points or, there is always duct tape.

I stapled the ribbon to both sides before it was completely secure.

Here they are ready for pictures and art!  Did you notice the headboard is missing?  I'm working on that project too.  Be sure to follow Callie's Crafts so you don't miss a thing.

To see more of Paige's Room click the pictures below?

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  1. So cute...looks good even when there is no art to showcase. I’m so glad you chose to share your project at the Rock ‘N Share! Have a great weekend! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

  2. Love this creative project! Would love for you to share at Simple & Sweet Fridays. New Follower.

    Take Care,

    1. I'm happy to have you following. I'll be there.

  3. Such a cute idea. Thanks for linking up to The DIY'ers!

  4. These look really cute :)
    Iv created a few crafty projects using photo frames now its such a cheap and affective way to diy art isnt it. I havent yet tried to frame fabric though, thats still on my to do list!

    1. I hope I've given you some inspiration. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. That's really cool. The first I've seen a chalkboard paint recipe with plaster of Paris, I will be trying that! Thanks for sharing at the Friday follow along. Hope you will link up again today!

  6. So pretty - love how you reused cardboard, batting, and fabric!! I've made chalk paint using that recipe too - it works well. The room looks great now! Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!

    1. Thanks, I like to keep the cost down and reuse as much as I can. I've used that recipe a few times now and I like it.
