
01 May 2013

Project Yesu: Pillowcase Dresses

This month I will be making and sewing several pillowcase dresses.  I am donating them to Project Yesu.  They are collecting dresses to take to Uganda.  For more information on Project Yesu click the link above.  They will be collecting until the end of May.   

I used the pillowcase dress tutorial and pattern from  She uses the sizing guides below.

Pillowcase Dress Armhole size chart | Sew Like My Mom

I sewed this dress using the size 6.  I used fabric and ribbon from my stock pile.  I don't think this picture does it justice.  Let's try again ......
......that's much better.  Willow is 3 and the size 6 dress is a little big but you get the idea.  

Say Cheese!
Look at the camera!
Smile really big!
I said "look at the flowers" not" pick the flowers."
One more time, give me a really big smile.
Last one, look at the camera and smile.
 So much for cooperation!  (love this girl)  I hope you all will consider donating a few dresses too.


  1. Hi~ Stopping by today to tell you that I have nominated you for The Liebster Award~ For more information about this award go to:

  2. Very cute. We came from Plucky's Blog Hop. We're following on Facebook and would love to have you follow back. We have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Tuesday night through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    We hope to see you there.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  3. I love pillowcase dresses. They are so cute.

  4. So true. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Very cute....adorable model! :)
