
11 June 2013

Washi Tape Wall Pattern

Washi Tape wall pattern that looks like wallpaper
I completed this wall pattern using washi tape, a few weeks ago, for One Crafty Contest.  I am just now getting around to posting about it!  I was so excited to take on this challenge because I have never used washi tape before.  I wanted to do something grand and original.  That's when I had the idea for this wall.  The competition challenged me to think about washi tape in a whole new way.  It took 16 rolls of washi in four different patterns to complete this design.

Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper

 I painted this wall slightly lighter than the other walls.  I thought that I would stencil it one day!  I brought in the ladder and soon found out that I needed a taller one.

Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper
I had a little bit of  help.

Starting at the top I measured, using a yard stick, and marked 5 inches away from the slope of the ceiling.  For the rest of the pattern I measured and marked 10 inches apart.  I left extra length and trimmed it with an Exact-o knife.  I applied the green tape first, the pink stripe second, the pink chevron third and the purple stripe fourth.  This project was pretty much, stop and go, so I didn't take a lot of pictures during the process.  Here are a few after shots!

Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper
Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper

Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper
Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper
  Lavender room with washi tape wall pattern looks like wallpaper

 This took me a few hours each day.  I was given 5 days to complete this project!  After the pattern was complete I knew that the old curtains would have to go.  So, I found a little extra time to make new curtains too.  I made them using 3 twin bedsheets, which saved on time and money.  I'll do a tutorial for the curtains soon.

Maybe I have inspired you?  I would love to see your washi tape projects too!


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Funky_Junk's_Party_Junk_link_party_150Too Much Time On My HandsOr so she saysDIY blog Classy ClutterNatasha In Oz


  1. 16 rolls--very cool! I would have thought more..looks very cute!

    1. It felt like i used a thousand rolls! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow, this looks amazing. I am totally impressed. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. That is impressive! I love the ruffle bottom curtains!!!! Please share that tutorial on my moms link party when you post it so I can find it! I want them for my little girls room. Better yet, would you just like to make me some, because I actually don't sew at all!
    Thanks for linking up this week.

    1. Thanks, Deena. I made it easier by using sheets, I didn't have to do alot of hemming. The worst part is gathering the ruffles. Maybe I should get a gathering foot. I will post the tutorial! The hardest part about sewing is learning to thread the machine. I'm sure you can do it! When I make the tutorial I make sure to write it for beginners.

  4. Oh that's fun and really changes the room! I like it! Thanks for linking up with Pin It! Tuesday! Hope to see you there again next week!

  5. We must say you have lots of patience-thank goodness because it turned out so cool! Thanks for sharing such a fun post.

    So glad you linked up with us at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.

    We'd love it if you would link back to BeBetsy!

    Have a great weekend~xo
    Sharon and Denise!

  6. Okay...that is ridiculous awesome! I do not have the patience for it but wish you lived next door so you could come and make it happen! Anything that involves straight lines and measuring---not my gig! I am a "go with the flow" type of gal and everything I create is the same way. I have been trying to catch OCD so I can complete these intensive projects but I can't seem to get it! This is an amazing washi tape idea!!! Thanks for sharing at! I am following and can not wait to see more amazing designs!

    1. Good luck with catching OCD! I did a lot of "eye balling" too!

  7. Sooooo cool! I love this. I'll be featuring it tomorrow on 'Or so she says...'! Thanks for linking it up.

    See you around. :)


    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the feature!

  8. Wow, that had to take a lot of patience! Very unique idea.

  9. Amazing job! Looks great! So glad you shared your project at The Shady Porch! I hope to see you this week too! Have a great day. D@TheShadyPorch

  10. I am featuring your washi tape wall today on my blog. Such a creative way to use washi tape. I just love the way it turned out. Thanks for linking it up. I hope to see you again later today for another link party.

    1. Thanks, I was in contest mode. It made me think big!

  11. How cool!

    I would love for you to link this up at the Mommy Archive - we're focused on washi tape crafts this week, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
