
07 June 2013

Guest Blogger: Dana from This Silly Girl's Life

Today, I'm excited to introduce you to Dana from This Silly Girl's Life. She is a former professional Chef turned blogger, a newly wed, a homemaker, a daughter, lover of a good book, Mama to 4 beautiful fur babies and a cookin’ fool!

Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be guest posting with Callie today! I hope you like this recipe I brought you! I made these healthy fish tacos with cumin spiced yogurt sauce and they were a great alternative to taco night! A nice light dinner or lunch on a hot summer day, perfection!

fish tacos


For the sauce:

1/2 Cup Non-Fat Yogurt

1/2 tsp Cumin

1/8 tsp Paprika

1/8 tsp Garlic powder

1/2 tsp Honey

Salt and Pepper to taste

For the tacos:

12 oz. Cod, or any light firm fish

Old bay seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper to your taste

6 each Flour tortillas


Chopped tomatoes, lettuce, onions, scallions, cilantro, cheese to your preference


For the sauce, combine all ingredients together, cover and place in fridge until tacos are ready to assemble.

fish tacos

For the fish sprinkle with the different spices to your preference, there is really no set recipe for this. Get a non stick skillet hot over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Get a nice sear on each side of the fish and make sure it is cooked through.

fish tacos

While the fish is cooking, chop/slice/dice your garnishes.

fish tacos

When the fish is done cooking, place it on a plate. Slice it or separate into chunks to fit in the tortillas.

fish tacos

I use a square flat griddle to warm my tortillas. Place griddle on stove and heat over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray and place tortillas on griddle. They heat up very fast so flip the tortilla after about 5 seconds and add the cheese. Let the cheese melt for about 10-15 more seconds and then place on your plate with a spatula. Add the fish, garnishes you like and the sauce. The sauce has a nice tart bite to it so I wouldn't recommend adding lime unless you love acid (like I do). And that's it! So simple, right?! Please stop by my blog for more yummy recipes!

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