
09 May 2013

Guest Blogger! Rebecca of Living Better Together

I would like to introduce you to my new bloggy friend, Rebecca from Living Better Together.  She has a great no sew project to share today.  I love this technique and I see myself using it in the near future.  

My name is Rebecca and I am so honored to be guest posting for Callie today! I blog over at Living Better Together and my focus is on family, life, and the things that come along with them. I'm a Maine girl that loves pancakes and pure maple syrup, cuddling with my husband and puppy dog, and I watch way to much television! I hope that you will enjoy this project as much as you enjoy all of Callie's, she's quite the talented lady, don't you think? Thanks for having me, Callie, I can't wait to see what you bring over to my blog next week!

I have been struggling to find a pillow that was just the right shade of pink for my spare room makeover, so I decided to make one myself. I had a couple of plain throw pillows in the closet that I had grabbed for a steal at Target almost two years ago. Yeah, I know that was a while ago, and at the time my husband told me "Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you have to buy it". Well, it was something like $2.00 for the pair, so I ignored him and bought them anyway. Hey, and look two years later, I'm glad I did. 

My husband doesn't believe in pillows because he hates digging his way onto the bed or the couch ;)

I decided to pick up some fabric and attempt another no-sew pillow, you can find my first one here. One of these days I will relearn how to sew, I think a sewing machine will actually be on my Christmas list this year. Until then, I have decided that I will master the art of no-sew projects because I know I'm not the only crafty person out there that doesn't have or know how to use a sewing machine. This no-sew pillow was much more time consuming than the other one, but I think it has more character and a flirty feel to add to my spare room.

I decided to attempt to make a rosette pillow. Rosettes have been everywhere, being used  anywhere from Callie's Rosette Headband Tutorial to my Linen and Lace Wreath. I figured it would be that difficult to take that idea and put it on a pillow, I did go through a ton of hot glue though.

You will need the following items to make this:

1 Pillow
1 yard of fabric (You may need more or less depending on the size of the pillow you choose)
Hot glue gun
30 hot glue sticks

I cut strips of the fabric that were about an inch or so wide, they don't have to be perfect because once you start twisting a gluing you won't notice. I glued down one end of the strip to secure it and then began twisting the fabric and gluing it down to the pillow while working in a circle. I started down in the low corner of the pillow, but you could start in the center if you wanted. You can see to the right side of the picture how I am twisting the fabric, try to make the colorful side of the fabric the one that will show.

Here is a photo of how the first strip turned out. You could easily just make a rosette this size on a different pillow cover as an accent, but I did an all over rosette. I glued the end of the next strip down where the last one left off and continued on my winding and gluing way. When you get to the edges you will have to twist the fabric around and head back in the other direction, basically going from side to side. 

Here is the finished product! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Thanks for stopping by Callie's today and I hope you'll venture over to Living Better Together soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love this pillow tutorial! I will have to make one for my daughters new daybed I just finished upholstering! I am going to reveal her entire "Boho Chic" tween room soon. Please check out my blog! I revealed the painted subfloors here:
